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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Love Ritual for February 2017

Interview with the Goddess of Love Venus (in honor of the Month of Love ☺)

Something caught my eye right off the bat, when the author Zsuzsanna referred to her usual “trancing habits” for connecting with the Goddess Venus which basically appears to be fasting or eating very little that day and going out into nature for a walk careful not to exhaust herself. Exhaust the Body free the Mind is very much how I prepare to “receive” or make something happen. In fact, today I have intentionally eaten very little in preparation of getting Insights from the Divine on life choices, next steps and calling in LOVE now. I woke up feeling like rest, meditation and fasting as well as finishing this assignment. J But not much more physically will be required, I even took myself off the Massage Schedule so I could rest, recoup, and re-center this weekend. My Ego was all like “you are missing out on money” but my Goddess Self is all “Get this straight and the money will flow with no effort on your part!” ☺ Such arguments in my head…

For My Ritual today I lit a Red Candle (chime) for Love and anointed it with Frankincense oil and lit a Rose incense stick. I consecrated that candle (stroking the oil from top to bottom so as to receive and lit with Left hand) with Love and Gratitude to:

All those who love me Past, Present and Future

All my Clients Past, Present and Future

All my Friends who are on my team Past, Present and Future

All my lovers Past, Present and Future

All monies that have been made Past, Present and Future

All my business success Past, Present and Future

To all my Family Past, Present and Future

To all my Pets Past, Present and Future

To Acknowledge my debt in a loving manner as a symbol of trust and ability to repay all, Past, Present and Future

I also sent out a bubble of peace, love and protection around my home down my block and to an area about 5 square blocks to which I call My Neighborhood.  Anyone driving past any of those streets will pass through my Love Bubble.  Of course you will want to Cast circle and cleanse yourself and your ritual space prior to engaging Deities and or performing your Work.

I read through the rest of the story but I already got the message, if you want to kick things up a notch, fasting in conjunction with your Magick will move you forward by leaps and bounds. And SO IT IS!
Sherry The Mystical Goddess

With Love,
Sherry The Mystical Goddess