Showing posts with label Altar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Altar. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Love Ritual for February 2017

Interview with the Goddess of Love Venus (in honor of the Month of Love ☺)

Something caught my eye right off the bat, when the author Zsuzsanna referred to her usual “trancing habits” for connecting with the Goddess Venus which basically appears to be fasting or eating very little that day and going out into nature for a walk careful not to exhaust herself. Exhaust the Body free the Mind is very much how I prepare to “receive” or make something happen. In fact, today I have intentionally eaten very little in preparation of getting Insights from the Divine on life choices, next steps and calling in LOVE now. I woke up feeling like rest, meditation and fasting as well as finishing this assignment. J But not much more physically will be required, I even took myself off the Massage Schedule so I could rest, recoup, and re-center this weekend. My Ego was all like “you are missing out on money” but my Goddess Self is all “Get this straight and the money will flow with no effort on your part!” ☺ Such arguments in my head…

For My Ritual today I lit a Red Candle (chime) for Love and anointed it with Frankincense oil and lit a Rose incense stick. I consecrated that candle (stroking the oil from top to bottom so as to receive and lit with Left hand) with Love and Gratitude to:

All those who love me Past, Present and Future

All my Clients Past, Present and Future

All my Friends who are on my team Past, Present and Future

All my lovers Past, Present and Future

All monies that have been made Past, Present and Future

All my business success Past, Present and Future

To all my Family Past, Present and Future

To all my Pets Past, Present and Future

To Acknowledge my debt in a loving manner as a symbol of trust and ability to repay all, Past, Present and Future

I also sent out a bubble of peace, love and protection around my home down my block and to an area about 5 square blocks to which I call My Neighborhood.  Anyone driving past any of those streets will pass through my Love Bubble.  Of course you will want to Cast circle and cleanse yourself and your ritual space prior to engaging Deities and or performing your Work.

I read through the rest of the story but I already got the message, if you want to kick things up a notch, fasting in conjunction with your Magick will move you forward by leaps and bounds. And SO IT IS!
Sherry The Mystical Goddess

With Love,
Sherry The Mystical Goddess

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon Magic for December 28th/29th

This morning I was greeted to a beautiful Sunrise for last New Moon (in Capricorn) of 2016. and I fully intend to take advantage of this evening for Big Intentions for 2017.  Here we are again at the end of another year, and man what a Doozy!  Honestly I really need 2017 to come in to get a breather from 2016!
So what should you do now? How about an Altar for 2017 Intentions?  How about some New Year Sorcery?  How about some Witch Shit?  Exactly!  And after the Cluster Fuck of a Year I do believe we can ALL agree that it is time to Bring out the Big Gunz if you do not plan on having a shitty 2017. 
Start working your Craft now and a good place to start is:
1. Your Altar and Tools are they clean and neat?
I personally have multiple altars throughout my home but my MAIN work is done in the heart of the house, for me which is in my living room.  I also have a Love/Goddess/Personal Altar in my bedroom and a couple mini altars in my office, etc.  Tidy those spaces up, rearrange and rededicate your altars to your "path" whatever that may be, its just plain ole Respect.
2. Do you know exactly what you want and where you want to be this time next year?  If so, Have you written that down?
Now we all know one of the mane tenants to the Law of Attraction and Rules of the Witch is Silence and not putting your Business out there as it diminishes the Magick and most people won't support lofty ideals and goals anyways.  But I will tell you this, I have a slight bit of weight to reduce which I am pretty positive I can do, I do have Income and Savings goals and I am looking for Ms. Right just name a few...  Save this list in your Book of Shadows or Intentions Book or wherever you track your Magick.  Remember, without writing goals down and putting a date on it, you are JUST talking.  Give yourself the entire year of 2017 to meet the Goals on this list...that way you don't have to feel bad if summer rolls around and there are items not checked off.  And some goals will be grander than others so put easy, medium and hard goals on the list to mix up the Magick and give yourself a better chance of manifesting as one thing often times leads to another.
3. Do you Know what no longer serves you or has caused you harm in 2016?
Write that down too, and burn that shit in your cauldron before bed tonight.  Do you have some energetic vampires and Poor Mouth Mooches that probably need to go? Do a banishing spell for each individual. Are there habits and thought patterns that made a fool out of you in 2016?  Write out positive Affirmations that are the direct opposite of what you want to get rid of.  Did you accumulate too much shit around your home? Donate those items to charity get a receipt and write off the donation in April.
4. Have you counted all your blessings for this year and Honored the Dieties or Goddess/Universe of Your Own Understanding?
In Addition to the Steps above, I love to Honor the Goddess in General and the Moon as I truly feel inspired and influenced by both although I am not a specific Deity person myself.  I do recognize the Infinite Divine within me and Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is  a Divine Plan and synchronicities and serendipity play a major role in Everything I do.  I honor this by casting a Circle, calling in the Elements and Goddess if each Direction, using Candle Magic, oils and Incense along with my intention to Honor the MAGICK in my life, because I LOVE it So!
Of course there is much, much more witchcraft to be done and Magick of all kinds, but take my advice, do yourself a solid and take advantage of the mysteries and magick of this end of year New Moon in Capricorn Energy and watch your 2017 Rock!

P.S. Remember to Love Yourself first and Everything Else will Fall in Line!
Take Care!
Sherry ~ The Mystical Goddess
For more information about spells, readings or any other service I offer contact me at:  or visit my website: and sign up for 3 free minutes readings and get your 2017 outlook!