Friday, September 29, 2017

Lackadaisical Day

Lackadaisical Day

Lackadaisical Day, Oh Lackadaisical Day!
Not a care in the world will I feel today.
Beautiful Sun in the a big blue Texas sky
If I could stay in this space
Away my Spirit would fly!

Lackadaisical Days so few and far between
don't leave me now my Soul wants to sing!
With your grace and latitude stretching for
miles and miles, there is nothing to fear
No one turning my dials...

Lackadaisical Day, Oh Lackadaisical Day
May your hours be extended and all my worries
be suspended. Right now in this time and in this
space I am completely happy, fully present and
aware and for me that ain't too shabby!

Poem by Sherry Scott 5-27-15

© 2017 Sherry Scott.  All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission from the Author. For permissions contact:

Lubbock TX Sept 2017